Parent Student Handbook ADA Compliant
ADA Accessible District Elementary Handbook
TCSD is committed to providing educational opportunities to students without regard to race, color, sex, national origin or disability. If you have questions, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at 435-833-1900.
- A Note from the Principal
- School Hours
- Parking or Driving Near the School
- Classroom Assignments
- Emergency Contact Information
- School Lunch
- Dress Code
- House Bill 162
- School Rules and Discipline Plan
- Student Records
- Visitors and Volunteers
- Child Custody Issues
- Attendance/Tardies
- Tooele School District's Lice Policy
- Immunizations
- Tooele School District's Medication Policy
- Vision Screening
- Inclement Weather
- Communication with Parents/Guardians
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Online Access to Grades and Lunch Account Balances
- Cell Phones, Smart Watches, and Personal Devices
- Office Phone Use
- Bus Parking
- Field Trips
- Lost or Damaged Books or Chromebooks
- Lost and Found
- Pets or Other Animals at School
- School Pictures
- Emergency Evacuation/Emergency Preparedness
- Lockdown Procedures
- Maturation Program
- Special Education Program
- Tilte VII Indian Education Program
- Family Liaison- Homeless Students
- Alternate Language Services
- Gifted and Talented Program
- Crisis Intervention Team
- Bullying Policy
A Note from the Principal
August 1, 2024
Dear Students, Parents, and Families,
Welcome to West Elementary! I am looking forward to a great year working with each of you to provide the best possible education for your children. I welcome your involvement at the school, in whatever capacity fits your schedule. My door is open if you have questions, suggestions, or concerns.
This latest edition of the Parent/Student Handbook contains information about many of the programs and policies of West Elementary. If you cannot find the information you need please feel free to contact the school office. We will be happy to assist you in any way we can.
We are excited to welcome back our students, both those who have been here and those who will be new to our school. We look forward to the new friendships and relationships we will build this school year.
At West Elementary we have an active PTA and School Community Council and we invite you to attend any of these meetings. Our first PTA and Community Council meetings will be held in September.
Mr. Thomas Trotter
West Elementary
School Hours
School hours are from 8:50 a.m. until 3:35 p.m. each day except on Wednesdays when school will release at 12:30. Children should NOT arrive earlier than 8:40 a.m. (8:20 a.m. if they are eating breakfast) or remain on the campus later than 3:45 p.m. unless they are participating in a supervised after-school activity. These guidelines are designed for the safety and well-being of your children. The front and back doors will open at 8:40 a.m. each school day. The cafeteria doors will open at 8:20 a.m. Supervision is provided in the cafeteria from 8:20 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and on the back playground from 8:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Supervision WILL NOT be provided for students who arrive before 8:30 a.m. (unless seated in the cafeteria) or remain later than 3:45 p.m. Before school supervision will be provided only on the back playground and in the cafeteria. Please have your student be in one of those two areas.
Parking or Driving Near the School
Please remember that all the areas on school property as well as on the roads near the schools are school zones. PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY. Please refer to the traffic safety plan for specific rules and guidelines. It is against school and district policy to drive cars on the playground behind the school at any time. Remember that the drive-through lane in front of the school is just that, a drive-through. Please drop your students off quickly in the morning, stopping just long enough to do so. For after-school pick-up please pull as far ahead in line as you can before briefly stopping your car while waiting for your student to come outside. At no time should parents park in the front drive-through lane and exit their vehicles. If you need to enter the building, please park in the parking lot. The bus lane is for buses only.
Classroom Assignments
Every effort is made by the school to provide an equal and appropriate education for all students. Classrooms are carefully organized at each grade level to create classrooms that are balanced. Our intent is that parent requests for specific classrooms be made only in situations where the needs of the student are so unique or compelling to require the services of a specific teacher or program. We work hard to recruit and hire outstanding teachers and feel that all students will be able to have an appropriate educational experience with any of our teachers. We cannot guarantee placement in a specific teacher’s classroom.
Emergency Contact Information
School Lunch
Our cafeteria serves nutritious breakfasts and lunches daily. However, students who prefer may bring cold lunches from home. We encourage students to not bring peanut or other tree nut products in their lunches from home due to several severe peanut allergies among students at the school. A peanut/tree nut-free table is available for students with health plans for peanut/tree nut allergies. Meals may be paid for in advance, on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis, and should be paid to the finance secretary or by visiting your parent Skyward account. Applications for free and reduced lunches are available through each student’s Skyward account. The form should be completed online as soon as possible. A new application must be completed each year. Lunch accounts should be kept current. If the amount owed becomes excessive you will be contacted by the lunchroom manager or sent to collections to resolve the matter.
Dress Code
Purpose and Philosophy
Tooele County School District (TCSD) is committed to providing a safe, wholesome, orderly, and positive environment conducive to teaching and learning for all students. The TCSD Board of Education recognizes that dress and grooming seriously affect the behavior of students attending school and may also impact sanitation, health, and safety conditions.
1. Students shall dress in a manner suitable to the day’s activities consistent with the standards of health, safety, and acceptable behavior. The student dress and grooming standards shall apply to all schools in the district and to both male and female students. The dress code also applies to students whether attending school or any school-sponsored function or activity (as a participant or member of the audience).
2. School administrators are responsible for communication and enforcement of this policy and student dress and grooming standards, as well as, ensuring compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws, in addition to, legal precedence and board policy. Involvement of stakeholders (i.e. PTA, Community Council, staff, students) in the management of schools is encouraged and can result in expanded thinking, increased ownership, satisfaction, and improved instructional programs and outcomes. Interpretation of the dress and grooming standards will be under the primary responsibility and discretion of school administrators. However, all district and school staff members shall have a share of the responsibility in seeing that these standards are implemented and enforced consistently in classrooms, in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, at school activities, and at other school-sponsored events. The building principal has the final discretion to implement this policy fairly and consistently.
Student Dress and Grooming Standards
- Students’ clothing and jewelry must not present a health or safety hazard or distraction, which would disrupt the educational process or mission. Disruption is defined as reactions by another individual to the clothing or adornment, which cause the teacher/administrator to lose the attention of students, to modify or cease instructional activities, or to deal with student confrontations or complaints.
- Items that disrupt the educational mission shall not be allowed. Personal items such as clothing, paraphernalia, jewelry, backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles, etc., shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignias, that are crude, vulgar, profane, violent, or sexually suggestive, or promote illegal/criminal activity.
- Items that display advertising, promotions, and likeness of tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, gang activity or affiliation, drugs, or which are contrary to the educational mission, shall not be allowed.
- All students shall maintain their hair, mustaches, sideburns, and beards in a clean, manner. Hairstyles that disrupt or interfere with the learning atmosphere at the school shall not be allowed. Hair coloring should not detract from the purpose of 1) maintaining a safe school environment, and 2) prohibiting dress and grooming that causes actual disruptions to the learning environment or process.
- Clothing, jewelry, accessories, and piercings that are so conspicuous, extreme, or odd that they draw undue attention, disrupt, or tend to disrupt or interfere with the learning atmosphere at the school shall not be allowed. Sunglasses may not be worn indoors at school.
- All students shall wear clean clothing. Students shall not wear clothes that are mutilated, cut off, overly distressed, “grungy/grubbies”, or immodest. No shorts or skirts above mid-thigh are permitted unless leggings are worn. Such leggings may not be see-through.
- Clothing must sufficiently cover undergarments at all times (i.e. sagging pants that reveal underwear, tops that reveal bra straps, etc.). Short shorts, miniskirts, halter tops, tube tops, strapless shirts/tops, muscle shirts with enlarged holes, or similar revealing clothing are not permitted. Clothing must cover the underwear and cleavage at all times (even when seated). This includes clothing that has holes above the mid-thigh. School activity uniforms (i.e. singlets, spanks, cheer skirts, leotards, etc.) that do not meet these criteria are not appropriate for the school day and may only be worn during the approved activity. Such uniforms may be worn at school under team warm-ups or sweats.
- Belts are to be worn at the waist and at the correct length (i.e. not excessively long and hanging). Chains or other large metal accessories, which can present a safety risk, are not allowed.
- Students shall comply with the laws that govern the wearing of military uniforms and insignias.
- Hats or head coverings, including hoodies, are permitted as long as they do not disrupt the learning environment or make it difficult or impossible to identify students.
- Immodest or suggestive clothing; apparel advocating illegal, inappropriate, or offensive behavior or language; gang or gang-related apparel or symbols are strictly prohibited.
- Tattoos and piercings are not specifically prohibited; rather, the policy is established around 1) maintaining a safe school environment, and 2) prohibiting dress and grooming that causes actual disruptions to the learning environment or process.
- School officials may require or approve students to wear certain types of clothing for health or safety reasons in connection with certain specialized activities (i.e. welding gloves or jackets, helmets, safety glasses, etc.).
- Shoes or sandals shall be worn at all times to ensure personal safety and hygiene. Students are encouraged to dress appropriately for the weather and wear reasonable footwear for the activity and season.
- Reasonable accommodations may be made for students whose religious beliefs are substantially affected by dress code requirements.
- Students who violate dress and grooming standards will be subject to student discipline. Due process procedures will be followed in the case of any dress and grooming code violations. Schools may have acceptable clothing to loan to students who have violated the provisions of this policy. An offending student may be sent home until he or she reasonably complies with appropriate dress and grooming standards and/or a parent conference is conducted to address the dress and grooming issues.
House Bill 162
School Rules and Discipline Plan
The West Elementary Discipline Plan strives to be a positive approach based on the concept that teachers have the right to teach and students have the right to learn. No one has the right to interfere with the teaching/learning process of others. We believe all students can behave appropriately. This plan is a consistent and systematic approach for dealing with both appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Students are taught what is expected of them in the building. Students also know the consequences of inappropriate behavior and the rewards for appropriate behavior. This approach enables each student to be secure in understanding the conduct expected of him/her in preschool through sixth grade. Our aim is for each student to reach the worthwhile goal of self-discipline. We ask that you have a conversation with your child regarding these rules and appropriate behavior in general.
The plan is comprised of three interrelated components: The school-wide plan, the classroom plan, and the principal’s plan.
School Wide Plan
School Wide Expectations:
1. Loves being at School!
2. Will explore, discover, study, and learn.
3. Thinks and acts safely.
4. Uses good manners and is respectful.
Restroom Expectations:
1. Uses the restroom appropriately and gets back to class
2. Keeps hands to themselves.
3. Washes their hands.
4. Keep the restroom clean.
Playground Expectations:
1. Follows adult directions.
2. Keeps hands, feet, and objects to themselves.
3. Plays safely.
4. Is a good sport and plays well with others.
Hallway Expectations:
1. Is quiet in line, facing front.
2. Keep hands to themselves.
3. Walks with purpose.
4. Remembers to respect others.
Lunchroom Expectations:
1. Follows adult direction.
2. Keeps hands, feet, objects, and food to themselves.
3. Walks at all times.
4. Cleans up after themselves.
Computer Lab Expectations:
1. Stays on task.
2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to themselves.
3. Uses only teacher-directed websites.
4. Uses computer equipment correctly.
Library Expectations:
1. Listens to the librarian.
2. Is a book protector.
3. Is careful with materials and equipment.
4. Keep hands to themselves.
Assembly Expectations:
1. Follows adult directions.
2. Keeps hands and feet to themselves.
3. Enters quietly and sits flat on the floor.
4. Shows respect.
Walking To/From School Expectations:
1. Obey crossing guard directions the first time given.
2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to themselves.
3. Use the sidewalks at all times. Walk bikes and scooters on school grounds.
4. Respect the property in the neighborhood.
Classroom Plans
Each teacher designs their own classroom plan containing the classroom expectations and consequences. Teachers are expected to provide parents with a copy of these expectations and consequences at Back to School Night. If you have not received a copy of them, please contact your child’s teacher. A typical classroom plan might look something like this:
Classroom Expectations:
1. Follow the teacher's directions.
2. Show respect to all students.
3. Work, study, and learn with purpose.
4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Positive Consequences for Following Classroom Expectations:
1. Teacher praise
2. Class points for class store
3. Points for a class party or other activity.
Negative Consequences for Not Following Classroom Expectations:
1st Time Card Pull Warning
2nd Time Card Pull Write name in behavior book
3rd Time Card Pull 15 minutes in cross-class Think Time
4th Time Card Pull Loss of next recess
5th Time Card Pull Parent contact
6th Time or Severe Behavior Card Pull Referral to the principal
Principal’s Plan
Severe or continued misbehavior is referred to the principal. Severe behavior is defined as a serious injury to another person, any safe school violation, severe or continued defiance toward an adult (including obscene or vulgar language), serious vandalism, or severe or continuing threats or harassment towards another person. Severe misbehavior may result in parent contact or suspension. If a student is referred to the principal for severe behavior, the consequences typically will be as follows:
1st severe - 1 day in-school or out-of-school suspension, parent contact
2nd severe - 2 days in-school or out-of-school suspension, parent conference
3rd severe - 3 days in-school or out-of-school suspension, parent conference
4th severe - Up to 10 days out-of-school suspension, time to be determined by the principal, parent conference
Note: Please be aware that some safe school violations may require an immediate request for police investigation, automatic suspension from school, mandatory parent or guardian conference with school or district authorities, or a referral to the District’s Case Management Team for placement determination. The principal reserves the right to modify disciplinary consequences as appropriate in individual circumstances and or the age of the student.
Sometimes students are referred to the principal for less severe violations of classroom or school rules. The principal reserves the right to apply consequences that are appropriate to the nature of the misbehavior. Typical consequences might be cleaning some area of the school to make up for minor vandalism, the loss of one or more recesses, writing an apology letter or plan for improved behavior, cross-grade think time, or a timeout in the office.
Fighting: Fighting is not allowed at West Elementary. Any student who continues or participates in a fight (even if started by another student) is considered to be fighting. Before any action is taken on a student or students an investigation will take place. If suspended the suspension may be for any period up to ten days. When a suspension is needed, a conference with the student, the student’s parents, and the school administrator must take place before the student will be allowed to return to school.
“Play Fighting”: Our policy is to treat what children sometimes call “play fighting” in the same way we deal with real fighting. In most instances “play fighting” looks identical to actual fighting. What may be viewed as “play” by one participant is often viewed as fighting by another participant. Children do not have the right to push, shove, slap, or punch other students even in “fun”. While these behaviors often start in the name of fun they most often end in a full-fledged fight or at the very least someone being hurt or unhappy with the outcome.
Profanity: Swearing or using other forms of crude or inappropriate language will not be tolerated. Students engaged in vulgar speech, whether spoken, written, or gestured are subject to discipline up to and including suspension.
Gum: Students are not allowed to chew gum at any location in the school or on the school grounds.
Candy and Food: Children are not allowed to eat candy or food in the general areas of the school such as hallways or playgrounds. Food from the lunchroom is not to be taken outside of the lunchroom. Candy or food may be eaten in the classroom only with the teacher's permission.
Toys and other Personal Belongings: Students are not permitted to bring items to school such as iPods, video games, Pokémon cards, etc. These items are distracting and create problems between students over ownership, breakage, loss, and when to play with it next. Students should not bring toys (or items that may be used as toys) to school.
Students can bring balls and other similar items if properly labeled. These may be used only at appropriate times such as recess or PE. Bringing your own playground ball to school does not give the student the right to decide who will or will not participate in the game. All students will still be welcome to participate. Students are not to bring money or valuable items to school. Students are responsible for keeping track of their own backpacks before and after school. The school shall not assume responsibility for personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged.
Weapons: Possession or use of any object that might be considered to be or used as a weapon is prohibited. Any object found in the possession of a student that could be classified as a weapon will be confiscated and will not be returned to the student. Parents will be notified of appropriate action. Toy or “pretend” weapons are also prohibited.
Bicycles: Students who ride bicycles to school are to park them in the bike racks next to the school. Bikes are not to be left on the lawn or sidewalk. Bikes are to be walked while on the school grounds. Riding bikes to school is a privilege, and if abused the right to ride a bike may be taken away. West Elementary cannot be responsible for any lost or damaged bicycles. Students are encouraged to put locks on their bikes.
Scooters/roller blades/skateboards/rolling runners: Students who ride a scooter or skateboard, or wear roller blades must take them off and carry them while on school grounds. The school cannot be responsible for any loss or damage. The wearing of “rolling runners” (even with the wheels removed) is prohibited as they are damaging to the floor and tend to pick up snow and water from outside.
Substitute Teachers: Substitute teachers fill an important role in the school. It is very important that they be afforded the utmost respect by students. Students should behave in a manner so as to not disrupt the teaching/learning in his/ her classroom. If a student is disruptive, to the point of being referred to the administrator’s office by a substitute teacher, he/she may be placed in in-school suspension for part or all of the day.
Student Records
Visitors and Volunteers
All visitors to West Elementary, regardless of coming before, during, or after school, must report to the main office upon entering the school building. All visitors must obtain a visitor’s pass before going on. Upon leaving, visitors/volunteers must return to the Main office and check out. This procedure is for the safety of all students and staff.
District policy does not allow students who are not officially registered to attend classes at West Elementary.
Routine issues such as lunch money, homework, rides home, setting up play dates, etc. should be arranged at home before the school day starts. Visits to classrooms for the purpose of observing the daily life of your child’s classroom may be scheduled with the principal. These visits should be reasonable in frequency and duration so as to not interfere with the functioning of the class.
Adults other than parents may not visit the students during the school day. Exceptions to this would be official visits by law enforcement or other such agencies or a visit with grandparents arranged by the parents. Other adults needing to visit with or take children from school because of an emergency must be listed on the emergency contact list as having permission to do so. If a name is not listed, we will make an attempt to contact the parent by phone to verify permission. Children will not be released without one of these two verifications.
We love and need volunteers! Parents or others desiring to volunteer within the school, or the classroom must complete a background check. You may not volunteer until this is completed. All those volunteering at the school will be expected to follow the rules and procedures outlined in the volunteer form. The background check will be good for a period of five years, but the school reserves the right to rescind the volunteer privileges of any volunteer or ask for an additional background check at a later time. Please check with the individual teacher to set up the times that you would like to volunteer.
Child Custody Issues
If you have a situation due to divorce, etc. which prohibits a parent or other family member from having access to your child it is your responsibility to make the office and the classroom teacher aware of this. We will then flag your child’s registration with this information. In order to prevent a non-custodial parent from seeing their child at school, or from discussing their progress with school personnel, we are required to have legal documentation such as a copy of the divorce decree or a court order verifying that they have been denied this contact. Our goal in these kinds of situations is to do our best to keep children safe, uphold the law, and remain neutral on family custody issues. We understand that there may be situations where there is no legal document that bars an individual from the school, yet you have a concern about a spouse or ex-spouse, etc. having contact with your child. Please keep us informed regarding these situations and we will do what we can within the boundaries of the law to meet you and your child’s needs.
Good attendance is key to academic achievement. Children are required to attend school 177 days a year.
∙ Valid excuses for absence are illness, medical appointments, funerals, or other emergencies.
∙ Unexcused absences are vacations, shopping trips, babysitting, staying home with a brother or sister who is absent, truancy, oversleeping, missing the bus, etc.
Attendance every day is the expectation. Generally, when a child has 3 or more unexcused absences, we will begin working to resolve the problem. Large numbers of absences, even when many of these are marked as excused, may also result in our beginning to work to resolve the problem.
We appreciate parents notifying us by phone or in writing within 3 days of all student absences including the reason for the absence. Notification for valid absences allows us to mark the absence as excused. Notification for invalid absences will be marked as “parent called”. The district now uses an automatic phone callout system notifying parents by phone or email when their child has been absent from school.
If it is determined during the school day that a student is too ill to remain in class, a parent/designee will be contacted to pick up the child. It is imperative that the school have accurate home, work, and cell phone numbers for such emergencies. School staff will provide initial simple first aid for illness or injuries that may occur while a student is at school. Parents will be notified when the situation warrants further action.
Please notify the school of any chronic health problems your child may have in order that we may better assist your child. In the case of significant illnesses or medical conditions that impact your child while at school, we will arrange a meeting with the district nurse to design a Health Care Plan. This includes such things as allergies, the need to take medication at school, etc.
In cases of long-term illness or injury (10 or more days) please contact the school so that we may provide you with homebound instructional services.
The teachers request that whenever possible parents give them 24 hours’ notice to collect homework/missed assignments due to absences from school. We also request that you stop by at the end of the school day, rather than during the day to pick up missed assignments. This will help reduce interruptions to classroom instruction.
Tooele School District's Lice Policy
If a student is suspected of having head lice, school personnel may check them. If head lice are found, the parent/guardian may be notified to pick up the student. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to treat the student with a head lice product. The student cannot be readmitted to the school if there are any head lice present. School personnel will check the student before they return to their classroom. If a class has an unusually high number of students with head lice, parents/ guardians may be notified, and school personnel may screen the class. Parents are encouraged to check their student’s hair for nits and head lice throughout the school year.
Based on state law, our policy is “No Shots, No School.” All students entering for the first time are required to have proof of immunization. The only exceptions to this are documented medical or religious exemptions or children classified as homeless who may not have access to immunization records. Please see the office staff if you have questions concerning the immunization requirements for your child.
Required Immunizations:
Dose Immunization
4 Polio
2 Measles
3 Hep B
2 Varicella
2 Hep A
Tooele School District's Medication Policy
During school and/or school activities, medications may be administered, and/or procedures may be performed with medical supplies only if the following conditions are met. (This includes both prescription and over-the-counter medications including cough drops):
● A current “Health Care Plan and a Medication Request Form” must be completed and signed by the student’s parent/guardian and the student’s health care provider. These forms are available from the school secretary or school nurse.
● The medication must be in the original container and must be correctly labeled. The label must include the student’s name, the name and dose of the medication, the route the medication is to be administered, the amount of medication that is to be administered, the time the medication is to be administered, the name of the doctor, and the expiration date of the medication.
● Elementary and Middle School students shall not carry medication on school premises unless the physician, because of life-threatening circumstances, orders it. In those cases, a “Health Care Plan and Request for Medication to be Self-Administered” must be completed and signed by the student’s parent/guardian and the student’s health care provider.
● Medication must be furnished by the parent/guardian and delivered to the school by a responsible adult. (A responsible adult and a designated school employee must count medications each time it is brought to or taken from the school.)
● Medication will be administered by office staff unless otherwise specified in the Health Care Plan.
Vision Screening
A child under seven years of age entering school for the first time in this state must present to the school:
● A certificate signed by a licensed physician, optometrist, or other licensed health professional, stating that the child has received vision screening to determine the presence of amblyopia or other visual defects, or
● A written statement signed by at least one parent or legal guardian of the child that the screening violates the personal beliefs of the parent or legal guardian.
Inclement Weather
Because we live in an area with four distinct seasons there will be days when the weather outside is rainy, snowy, quite hot, or quite cold. While we will not send students outside on unusually cold days, days that we are having a blizzard or days when it is pouring rain, we will send students outside most days for recess. The teacher on duty in each hall makes the final decision on whether it is appropriate to go outside. Please send your student to school dressed appropriately for the weather. If your child has a special need to stay inside, please contact the teacher and make those arrangements with him or her. We will also follow the red day air quality warnings and keep children inside on these bad air days.
Communication with Parents/Guardians
Back to School Night, Parent-Teacher Conferences, PTA newsletters, and brief notes, emails, or telephone calls are important components of effective communication. Parents and teachers exchange useful information through these procedures. In many instances, a quick phone call or short note can alert the teacher or parent to a possible problem or clarify a misunderstanding. These informal reporting practices can help to strengthen the bonds between home and school. Whenever possible, please contact the teacher first when you have a concern about your child, the teacher, or the classroom. Not only is the teacher the person most familiar with what is going on in the classroom, but this type of open communication tends to build bonds of trust between the parent and teacher. Please contact the office/principal if you have tried unsuccessfully to resolve a problem with a teacher, or whenever you have a concern that is at a school-wide level.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Regularly scheduled Parent-Teacher Conferences are held twice during the year to review progress and to set educational goals. We make every effort to schedule your conference to accommodate your work schedule. Please notify the office or your child’s teacher if you are unable to attend your conference and need to reschedule. Please arrive on time and keep in mind that other parents are scheduled after you. Attending your child’s conference sends a powerful message to your child and their teacher that you are concerned about your child’s education. Parents are encouraged to contact the teacher for a conference any time they feel their child’s academic progress needs attention, or they have other concerns. Mid-term reports will be issued at the mid-point of each term, and report cards will be issued at the end of each term.
Online Access to Grades and Lunch Account Balances
Cell Phones, Smart Watches, and Personal Devices
Tooele County School District recognizes that technology can enhance teaching and learning, along with the sense of security that cell phones and smart watches provide, and we are dedicated to ensuring their safe and civil use. Utilizing student-owned devices is subject to common sense and legal guidelines. With Tooele County School District’s transition to a one-to-one device model, student-owned devices have taken on a new role within the teaching and learning process.
To prevent miscommunications, provide a safe environment, and minimize distractions, TCSD has created the following procedures for all Elementary schools and students for personal devices.
Cell phones and/or smart watches may be brought to school with parents’ permission but must be turned off and stored in backpacks during school hours. If the student does not have a backpack, a temporary bag will be provided to store the cell phone/watch. Cell phones or smart watches are not to be used by students during school hours or on school grounds including recess to call or text out. The office phone is available for students when necessary and with permission during the school day. TCSD cannot assume any responsibility for personal devices.
West Elementary Consequences for Inappropriate Use of Cell Phones/Smartwatches
If students do not comply with the cell phone or smartwatch rules, consequences may be the following:
● 1st infraction: Verbal warning
● 2nd infraction: Cell phone/watch held at the office and the student can pick it up at the end of the day.
● 3rd infraction: Cell phone/watch held at the office until a parent picks it up. Infraction is documented in Educators Handbook.
Additional consequences will be implemented if students continue to not comply with cell phone/smartwatch rules. Students will be required to turn in their device to the office at the start of each day.
Exceptions may be made for students with a health care plan (such as students with a continuous glucose monitor), IEP or 504. This will be approved on a case-by-case basis by meeting with the principal, teacher, and case manager.
With minor communication emergencies, parents will need to contact the main office to either call down their student or to relay a message.
With a school-level emergency or crisis, we ask that parents and students limit or avoid communication and wait for instructions and communication from local incident commanders. Misinformation spread during a crisis can often be more dangerous than the crisis itself. Teachers will always have nearby access to the classroom phone.
Office Phone Use
Children with a legitimate reason (illness, etc.) may use the telephone at the front desk with a phone pass from their teacher. After-school arrangements such as going over to a friend’s house should be made at home prior to coming to school. Routine issues such as having lunch money and homework should be handled before arriving at school.
Bus Parking
Field Trips
Field trips are an extension of the child’s classroom activities. The PTA will pay for one trip per grade level per year. Written parent permission is required for participation. A small number of parent volunteers will need to accompany each class for increased supervision. Each parent attending will need to have a current background check completed with the district.
Lost or Damaged Books or Chromebooks
All textbooks/library books and Chromebooks are loaned to students free of charge. These books and devices are the responsibility of each student. If any of these books or devices are lost or damaged, the student is expected to pay for the book or device replacement. Please caution your child to take good care of his/her books and devices at all times. Any student who damages school property, equipment, or the property of other students/staff is responsible for paying for the damage done.
Lost and Found
Personal items belonging to students should be marked with the name of the child. Lunch boxes, coats, pencil boxes, hats, book bags, etc. are often misplaced or mistaken by other students. Rapid identification can prevent this and reduce loss.
A lost and found is maintained in the school lunchroom as a service for students who have misplaced items at school. If you find any item, please turn it in at the office so that its proper owner may find it. Items not claimed within a reasonable period will be donated to a charitable organization.
Pets or Other Animals at School
Please do not bring pets or other animals with you when visiting the school. Exceptions will be made for registered “service” animals. Please check with the office if you have a need for a service animal in the building. Animals may not be used for “Show and Tell” or other classroom activities. We also ask that you do not bring animals with you when walking to/from the school.
School Pictures
Emergency Evacuation/Emergency Preparedness
Each teacher has an emergency plan and emergency evacuation plan. Students are instructed on the basic rules for evacuation of the building in an emergency. Drills for fire, earthquake, or lockdown are held at regular intervals during the year. In an emergency where we are not able to remain at the school, we will evacuate first to:
Tooele Jr. High School
411 W Vine St
Tooele, UT
Our secondary evacuation location will be:
Blue Peak High School
211 S Tooele BLVD
Tooele, UT
If we need to be housed outside of the West Elementary area, we will be bused to:
Deseret Peak Complex
2930 HWY 112
Tooele, UT
Lockdown Procedures
A school-wide lockdown may be implemented in the event that it becomes unsafe for students to leave the school building and/or their individual classrooms for any reason. There are many situations that could justify a lockdown. In the event of a lockdown, no one will be allowed outside of the classroom or school, (depending on the situation) until the all-clear is given. For their safety, parents are asked to remain at home until the lockdown has ended and it is safe to pick students up from school.
If the lockdown goes past the length of the regular school day, once the lockdown has been lifted, students will be allowed to notify parents and/or call for a ride home if they desire. If the lockdown has ended prior to the dismissal of school, students will be dismissed as usual.
Information regarding the details of the lockdown will be communicated to parents as quickly as possible after the lockdown has ended. If there is enough time before the end of the school day, a letter to parents will be drafted and emailed home to all parents/guardians. If the lockdown goes beyond the end of the regular school day, the letter will be sent home on the next school day.
Maturation Program
Human Growth and Development (maturation) instruction has been mandated by the Utah Legislature. A permission letter will be sent home with all fifth, and sixth-grade boys and girls notifying you of the time and place for this instruction. The intent of this notice is to give you the opportunity to communicate with your child’s teacher, in writing, if you choose to have your child omitted from the instruction of this particular curriculum. We encourage you to check with the school nurse before the presentation if you have questions about the content of the program. Should you request that your child be excused from the instruction, that request will be honored with no academic penalty. We are happy to share the curriculum with you prior to the instruction in the classroom. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend these presentations with their students.
Special Education Program
West Elementary provides Special Education services for students who require and quality for additional academic assistance. These services are provided as a support to the regular classroom program. Students who participate in special education services must have received specific testing to determine their eligibility, the curricular areas of need, and the amount of time they will be participating. If you feel your child may need academic assistance due to a disability, consult with your child’s teacher about initiating a referral.
Tilte VII Indian Education Program
The Title VII Indian Education Program provides supplemental services to meet the culturally related academic needs of American Indian/Alaskan Native Students. The program is federally funded through the Department of Education in Washington D.C. by a Formula Grant Program.
To enroll in the program students must be enrolled in one of the District’s Public Schools and parents/guardians must complete a 506 Form. Obtain a 506 Form by contacting the Indian Education Office at 435-833-1900.
Family Liaison- Homeless Students
Homelessness is a lack of permanent housing. Under the McKinney-Ventro Act, students living in a shelter, car, hotel, motel, campground, or temporary residency, or who are sharing a home due to the loss of housing or economic hardship have their educational stability protected. A homeless child or youth shall:
- Continue in their school of origin for the duration of homelessness or for the remainder of the school year.
- Be immediately enrolled, even if your student cannot produce the records required to enroll.
- Be eligible for free lunch and fee waivers.
- Be provided transportation to the school of origin by parent request.
If your family is in a homeless situation, please talk to your principal about the specific needs your student may have or call the District Family/Homeless Liaison, Laura Burdine at 435-833-1900 ext. 1415 for further information.
Alternate Language Services
Gifted and Talented Program
On a district level, early morning band and orchestra have been available in the past for 5th and 6th graders, and we are hopeful that it will be available this year as well. An advanced math class is also available for 6th-grade students. Both programs will be held at neighboring schools with transportation back to the school provided by the district. Parents are responsible for providing transportation to the special program. A gifted intervention program is provided for students who qualify.
Crisis Intervention Team
Tooele County School District has a Crisis Intervention Team that was formed to assist in a crisis or in an event that may produce unusual or distressing emotional symptoms in a group of students. The team is on call, as needed, by the principal of any school to give assistance to the administrator, counseling staff, and teachers, when additional personnel are needed to assist students.
Bullying Policy
Bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and hazing of students and employees are against federal, state, and local policy, and are not tolerated by the Tooele County School District (TCSD). TCSD is committed to providing all students with a safe and civil school environment in which all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect. To that end, TCSD has in place policies, procedures, and practices that are designed to reduce and eliminate bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and hazing—including but not limited to civil rights violations—as well as processes and procedures to deal with such incidents.
Bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and hazing of students and/or employees by students and/or employees will not be tolerated in TCSD.
School officials have the authority to discipline students for off-campus speech or action that causes or threatens a substantial disruption on campus or school activities, including violent altercations, or significant interference with a student’s educational performance and involvement in school activities. If after an investigation, a student is found to be in violation of this policy, the student shall be disciplined by appropriate measures up to, and including, suspension and expulsion, pursuant to Utah Code Ann. 53A- 11-904 and in accordance with the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, loss of participation in extracurricular activities, and/or probation. If after an investigation, a school employee is found to have violated this policy, the employee shall be disciplined by appropriate measures up to, and including, termination.
B. Definitions
"Bullying" means intentionally or knowingly committing an act that:
a. Endangers the physical health or safety of a school employee or student;
b. Involves any brutality of a physical nature such as whipping, beating, branding, calisthenics, bruising, electric shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or exposure to the elements;
c. Involves consumption of any food, liquor, drug, or other substance;
d. Involves other physical activity that endangers the physical health and safety of a school employee or student; or
e. Involves physically obstructing a school employee's or student's freedom to move; and
f. Is done for the purpose of placing a school employee or student in fear of:
1. Physical harm to the school employee or student; or
2. Harm to property of the school employee or student.
g. The conduct described above constitutes bullying, regardless of whether the person against whom the conduct is committed directed, consented to, or acquiesced in the conduct.
h. In addition to the above, TCSD considers bullying to be aggressive behavior that:
1. Is intended to cause distress and harm;
2. Exists in a relationship in which there is an imbalance of power and strength; and
3. Is repeated over time.
"Cyberbullying" means:
a. Using the Internet, a cell phone, or another device to
b. Send or post text, video, or an image with the intent or knowledge, or with reckless disregard, that the text, video, or image will hurt, embarrass, or threaten an individual,
c. Regardless of whether the individual directed, consented to, acquiesced in the conduct, or voluntarily accessed the electronic communication.
“Harassment” means:
Repeatedly communicating to another individual, in an objectively demeaning or disparaging manner, statements that contribute to a hostile learning or work environment for the individual. This includes rumor spreading and social aggression intended to demean and disparage another individual and that contributes to a hostile environment for that individual.
“Hazing” means:
Intentionally or knowingly committing an act that:
a. Endangers the physical health or safety of a school employee or student;
1. involves any brutality of a physical nature such as whipping, beating, branding, calisthenics, bruising, electric shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or exposure to the elements;
2. involves consumption of any food, liquor, drug, or other substance;
3. involves other physical activity that endangers the physical health and safety of a school employee or student; or
4. involves physically obstructing a school employee's or student's freedom to move; and
5. Is done for the purpose of initiation or admission into, affiliation with, holding office in, or as a condition for, membership or acceptance, or continued membership or acceptance, in any school or school-sponsored team, organization, program, or event; or
b. If the person committing the act against a school employee or student knew that the school employee or student is a member of, or candidate for, membership with a school, or school-sponsored team, organization, program, or event to which the person committing the act belongs to or participates in.
C. Prohibitions
1. No school employee or student may engage in bullying or harassing a school employee or student:
a. On school property;
b. At a school-related or sponsored event;
c. On a school bus;
d. At a school bus stop; or
e. While the school employee or student is traveling to or from a location or event described above in Subsection 1a-d
2. No school employee or student may engage in hazing or cyberbullying a school employee or student at any time or in any location.
3. No school employee or student may engage in retaliation against:
a. A school employee;
b. A student; or
c. An investigator for, or witness of, an alleged incident of bullying, harassing, cyberbullying, hazing, or retaliation.
4. No school employee or student may make a false allegation of bullying, harassing, cyberbullying, hazing, or retaliation against a school employee or student.
5. Any bullying, harassing, or hazing that is found to be targeted at a federally protected class is further prohibited under federal antidiscrimination laws and is subject to compliance regulations from the Office for Civil Rights.
D. Actions Required if Prohibited Acts are Reported
1. Each reported complaint will include:
a. Name of complaining party;
b. Name of the offender (if known);
c. Date and location of the incident(s);
d. A statement describing the incident(s), including names of witnesses (if known).
2. Each reported violation of the prohibitions noted previously will be promptly investigated by a school administrator or an individual designated by a school administrator. A report of bullying, cyberbullying, hazing, harassment, and retaliation may be made anonymously, but TCSD will not take formal disciplinary action based solely on an anonymous report.
3. Verified violations of the prohibitions noted previously shall result in consequences or penalties. Consequences or penalties may include but are not limited to:
a. Student suspension or removal from a school-sponsored team or activity including school-sponsored transportation;
b. Student suspension or expulsion from school or lesser disciplinary action;
c. Employee suspension or termination for cause or lesser disciplinary action;
d. Employee reassignment; or
e. Other action against student or employee as appropriate.
4. The school will notify a parent if the parent’s student threatens to commit suicide, or if the student is involved in an incident of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, hazing, or retaliation.
a. TCSD will produce and maintain a record that verifies that the parent was notified of the incident or threat.
b. TCSD will not disclose the record described in 4.a. to anyone unauthorized to receive it and will not use the record for purposes not allowed under the law.