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Library Media Center

Jessica Beebe

West Elementary Lions with a lion head

Library Hours:

8:00 AM- 4:00 PM


Library Mission Statement:

The mission of West Elementary library is to foster the love of reading for pleasure and information by connecting students with the resources, technology, and critical thinking skills they need to inspire learning.

Dear Students and Parents,

We are looking forward to learning and exploring our library together here at West!

Your student will be visiting the library once a week to return and/or check out books, learn about our library, get better acquainted with fantastic books and learn to love all that encompasses literacy. Library lessons will be taught weekly to all grades to help students learn skills that will be useful through your students’ educational career.

Students are allowed to check out two books per week. Books are to be returned during the next weeks library class. Students will not be able to check out additional books if the student has overdue books.

Thank you for your support. Your help is vital to the
love of literacy we foster at West Elementary.